Putting your way to a better golf game!

John was asking if he should practice his putting. Well it’s half of the game so yes he should. Look at video for proper lenght putter. This can help your game!
The Set-Up:

Putting usually occurs on a predetermined surface called a green where the suface of the grass is cut very short to facilitate rolling  the ball toward a 4 1/2 inch diameter hole.

The Proper Club: Make sure the putter is the right length. Although it is the shortest club in the bag, it may still need to be shortened  further to adapte to your particular style.

Determining your line:

Place yourself behind the ball to determine the line that you want to hit the ball on, to get it in the hole.











The Set-Up:

The set-up incorporates the same 5 fundamentals as for a full shot.

1- Alignment: After you have determined your line, you need to align yourself accordingly:
The first thing is to align the club head in the direction of where the  ball shall travel.

2- Foot Position (Stance):
Place your feet parallel to your target line far enough apart to maintain balance with your knees slightly flexed.

Keeping your arms relaxed and hanging naturally close to the body will promote a swing that will stay longer on the target path.

         1. Hand position is too far!       2. Better hand position!

3- Ball Position:

The ball position is a personal  preference because of different  styles.

Place the ball at or slightly forward of the middle of your stance in order to let the club strike the ball at or just past the bottom of the swing arc.







4- Posture:

Flex the knees slightly with the feet comfortably apart to maintain balance.

Bend more from the upper body with the shoulders rounded being sure to keep the lower back relatively straight. The arms should  be relaxed and slightly bent as they hang naturally close to the body.

This should place your eyes almost directly over the ball.






5- The Grip:

There are different variations on holding the club. I prefer to place the club in the palm of my right hand first with my thumb on top of the grip.








I than place the palm of my left hand on the grip so that the thumb is on top of the grip and it rests against the crease of the heel pad and thumb pad of the right hand. My index finger overlaps the ring finger of my right hand.

This is called the reverse overlap grip.






Be sure to hold the putter lightly with both hands.

This will help eliminate any tension in the arms and hands.

Happy Golfing!!!











Hope this helped you out John, also have a look at my Online Proshop!



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